4th Annual
 Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League Conference

May 10, 2025


                   Bringing Beauty into Your Home & Homeschool

LSB 901

Keynote Speaker

The Eye for the Beautiful
Session 1
What is beauty?  How is beauty defined today?  How did the ancients talk of beauty?  How does God talk of beauty in the Scriptures?  In this section, we will arrive at a working, Christian definition of beauty.

Artists in Your Own Right
Session 2
Now that we have handle on Christian beauty, where can we see beauty in the family, in the home, in the homeschool?  How can Christian homeschoolers see and strive after beauty?

Rev. Kyle Verage

About Pastor Verage
Pastor Kyle Verage grew up in Hubertus, WI, outside of Milwaukee. Though he did not grow up in the Church, his family converted to the faith when he was 11.  His passion for theology soon led him to pursue a career in the pastoral ministry.  He graduated with a B.A. in Classical Languages from Valparaiso University in 2009.  He then attended Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, where he received his Master of Divinity degree in 2013.  From the seminary he was called to serve Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Crandon WI, and St. John Lutheran Church, Laona WI.  In 2020, Pastor Verage was called to and later installed at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Pleasant Prairie WI.  He lives in Pleasant Prairie with his wife, Grace, where they homeschool their four children, Peter, Stephen, Anastasia and Thomas.

Breakout session Presenters


Rev. Alex Post

Beauty of Singing at Home
God gives us beautiful words and music to sing. Your Bible, Catechism and Hymnal drive God's Word into your heart during the Divine Service. You can sing at home too!
Learn more about Rev. Alex Post, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church here.


Rev. Kevin Johnson

 Pastor Kevin Johnson will serve as liturgist for Matins and suffrages. Learn more about Rev. Kevin Johnson here.


Jocelyn Benson

Aesthetic Implications
Taking  a shallow dive into the philosophy of beauty and the implication for culture.  

Learn more about Jocelyn Benson, Head Teacher at Wittenberg Academy  here.

conference details

Registration: 8:30 AM
Matins: 9:00 AM
Suffrages: 3:30 PM
Exhibitors & Vendors
Mix and Mingle Time
Lunch Available
Keynote Speaker
 Breakout Sessions
More Details
We are pleased to announce a collaboration with All the Household resulting in a set of beautiful educational resources available exclusively for conference attendees.
All the Household is a blog  for Lutheran liturgical living.  They have gathered a collection of resources supporting Liturgical living for Lutherans,  becoming a one stop shop for Lutheran traditions.
Childcare is provided free of charge for children 3 to 9 years old.  We ask that your toddler be reliably potty trained. Space will be provided with live streaming of the keynotes for those needing to step out with a child during the presentation. We are capping childcare at 50 children on a first come first serve basis.

You may bring your own lunch or reserve on site lunches  on the registration form. We are asking for a donation of $2 per meal for ages 4 and up.  Meals can be paid for at the conference by cash or check.  We are providing snacks as well as hosting a social time with special treats for attendees.

about us

Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League Founders

The Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League (CLHL) is a group of homeschool families who attend Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Our group consists of retired home educators, veteran home educators, and families who are relatively new to homeschooling. We also have people who were home educated themselves and are now starting families of their own with the intent to continue the home education tradition.

Our goal is to be a support to confessional Lutheran families who are committed to educating their children at home and in alignment with the Lutheran faith. We are always looking for ways to share our knowledge and experience and also provide helpful resources.
Our Genesis:
In 2020, Pastor Kevin Johnson had an idea. He and his wife Ceci had successfully educated their two daughters at home and were encouraging others to consider the home education journey. Pastor Johnson could see that growing numbers of Lutherans were opting to homeschool but that there was not an existing network to provide support and encouragement. In their journey as home educators, the Johnsons discovered several things. First, as confessional Lutheran home educators, it is often challenging to find quality materials that align with Lutheran Doctrine. Second, there were not many support groups for confessional Lutheran home educators. He suggested to the homeschooling families at Holy Cross that something should be done to fill that void.
With his encouragement and guidance, the first Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League conference was held in 2022. Our first conference had 134 attendees and featured Pastor Johnson and Jocelyn Benson, Head Teacher at Wittenberg Academy, as our Keynote speakers. Since then, we have grown to 165 attendees and have featured guest speakers, the Rev. David Buchs and Rev. James Preus, as well as homeschooling parents providing information on homeschooling topics, panels for questions and answers, exhibitors of homeschool related products, and casual interaction time for families.


Please tell us who, from your family, will be attending.  This will help us plan lunch, resources and staffing.  Space is limited so please register early and notify us if your plans change.  Registration Deadline is May 3, 2025

Family Information


Spouse Information (if attending)


Children Needing Childcare

Children needing childcare

Children Attending NOT Needing Childcare

no child care

Lunch Options

Lunches are $2 each for ages 4 and up.

Home Educating Experience

Looking Ahead to 2026


David's Harp
Wittenberg Academy
Homeschool Iowa
Watch for more exhibitors to come!
This Conference is sponsored by Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Carlisle, Iowa

MAY 10. 2025

Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1100 Market St, Carlisle, Iowa

Contact our Conference Coordinator
Ceci Johnson

Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League

Our Mission

The Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League is dedicated to supporting current homeschoolers, equipping future homeschoolers and encouraging those considering homeschooling from a confessional Lutheran perspective.

If you would like to support or mission to encourage and equip home educators through our annual conferences, please donate using the link below. Your donation will help us continue to  provide quality speakers, to improve our programing and expand what our league can offer confessional Lutheran home educators in the state of Iowa and beyond. To donate, follow the link below to the Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Vanco) donation page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Homeschool Conference donation link. Thank you for supporting us.

About Childcare

Children are a blessing.
Our conference is a family friendly event and we do not want to discourage you from bringing your children.  Children are welcome to sit with their family throughout the day. Please let us know how we can facilitate your attendance.

Childcare Fees 
We are offering childcare at no cost to attendees.

Cry Room
We are arranging to have a large screen TV set up in an alternative space to live stream the presentations so that parents who need to step away and care for a child won't miss anything.  
Cap on Child Care Number
Because space is limited, this year we are capping the total number of children that we will be able to care for.  Given the rooms we have and the number of helpers available, we are capping the childcare program at 50 children total. Once we reach that total, we will close registration and begin a waitlist.

About Lunches

Lunches will be available but we ask that you indicate how many lunches you will need on the registration form so we can plan accordingly. We are asking for a donation of $2 per lunch for ages 4 and up.  When you select number of lunches needed, include the total number of people eating regardless of age. Donations will be gathered on site and can be cash or check.  Checks should be made out to : Holy Cross Lutheran Church.  Please write: conference in the memo line.


Help us plan. Submit suggestions below.