Opportunities to serve

Altar Guild

These volunteers wash sacrament cups after each Divine Service.  Training will be provided.  Serve for one or two months.


Drivers pick up various members of our congregation who are unable to drive to church on their own. We need drivers for Sunday as well as Mid-Week services and special events

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are kept current with recent council minutes, upcoming events, etc. There are bulletin boards for baptisms, new members, general information, missions and stewardship.


A number of people take turns welcoming members and visitors to church Sunday mornings. Greeters are generally scheduled once a month.

Tech Team & Tech Support

Multiple people help fulfill this roll. It includes monitoring our internet connected electronics, web page design and upkeep, public internet facing resources, etc. (This is supported by Evangelism & Stewardship)

Filmer & Live Stream Producer

Sunday and select special services are recorded and streamed from the balcony.  The time commitment is once a month. These individuals arrive at least 15 minutes in advance of the service to set up the cameras, laptop and sound system. Training is provided.
Other jobs are outlined in the member handbook.
  • Hospitality Groups
  • Mowers
  • Snow Removal