
Holy Cross has a rich liturgical life and practice which has been passed through the generations. This tradition requires dedicated individuals to support the congregation.

Holy Cross Lutheran Church Choir


  • Choir meets Wednesday nights after Vespers  (7:00-8:30pm)
  • We practice in the Sanctuary
  • All confirmed members of Holy Cross are welcome to join choir.  
  • Our choir season roughly follows the school year from August to Mid-May.
  • The musical repetoire is carefully selected to reflect the reverent nature of the Divine Service.
Choir is now on summer break.  We will come back in the fall.


Church organ (Reuter Opus 1301) in the balcony.
Photo of zimbelstern gifted by Dr. J. Gordon Christensen.
8’ Bourdon (rank 1)
8’ Spitzflöte (SW rank 5)
8’ Principal (rank 2)
Originally Salicional (rank 6)
4’ Octave (rank 3)
4’ Flute (rank 1)
2’ Fifteenth (rank 2)
Mixture III (rank 5?)
16' Spitzflöte TC (lower 49-pipes of rank 5)
8' Spitzflöte (rank 5)
8’ Salicional (rank 6)
8’ Viox Celeste (rank 7)
4’ Spitzflöte (rank 5)
Originally 4’ Principal (rank 3)
4’ Violin (rank 6)
2 2/3’ Nazard (from rank 5)
2’ Blockflöte (rank 5)
16’ Bourdon (SW rank 4 + GT rank 1)
16’ Gedeckt (SW rank 4 + SW rank 5)
8’ Bourdon (GT rank 1)
8’ Spitzflöte (SW rank 5)
4’ Octave (GT rank 3)
4’ Flute (GT rank 1)
Reuter Opus 1301 (1961), Modified in 2018 by Rick Darrow

Holy Cross Lutheran Church’s pipe organ has two manuals, 2 divisions, 6 ranks, and 17 stops - totaling 436 pipes. The manual compass is 61 notes and pedal compass is 32 notes. It is a traditional style console with roll top. Stop keys are located above the top manual. The swell shoes/pedals are balanced and have standard AGO placement. There are adjustable combination pistons. The pedalboard is AGO Standard (concave radiating).
Post dedication, Dr. J. Gorden Christensen (consultant for organ project) gifted an eight bell zimbelstern to to complete the organ.
Since then, Holy Cross has been blessed with 3x regular organists and many student organists learning to serve the church with their gifts and talents.