20th Anniversary Celebration of Pastor Johnson's Ordination
October 5th, 2024
Beginning at 11 AM with the Concert.
Meal beginning around Noon.
Vespers to follow.
Event held at
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1100 Market Street
Carlisle, IA 50047
Letters for Pastor may be submitted below, to officesecretary@holycrosscarlisle.org, or
sent to church "c/o Ladies' Guild" if you would like it included in the memory book.
Beginning at 11 AM with the Concert.
Meal beginning around Noon.
Vespers to follow.
Event held at
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1100 Market Street
Carlisle, IA 50047
Letters for Pastor may be submitted below, to officesecretary@holycrosscarlisle.org, or
sent to church "c/o Ladies' Guild" if you would like it included in the memory book.