February 10th Announcements

FEBRUARY HCLC VOTER’S MEETING:  Mark your calendars! Our semi-annual voter’s meeting will occur during Sunday School / Bible Study time on Sunday, February 18th.  
NEW BLACK PARAMENTS HAVE ARRIVED! “Black is seen very seldom during the year. The calendar calls for its use only twice; on Good Friday and Ash Wednesday. There's no mistaking the message that this sober color gives. Black is the absence of light. Good Friday, or Black Friday in combination with Ash Wednesday, calls for sober reflection on the cost of our redemption. Without Christ's sacrifice on the day the sky turned dark and hid the light of the sun, there would be no bright Light of Christ to live in, nor new life in Christ to enjoy.”  (Author: Douglas K. Escue — http://lcms.org)
“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” ~ Romans 6:4
COOK-OFF AND CAKE AUCTION WERE A HUGE SUCCESS!  Many thanks to those who donated soups or chilis for the cook-off or made cakes for the cake auction. A special thank you to Tommy Allen, our emcee, James Ikenberry, our auctioneer, and Ione Allen, our cake assistant. Congratulations to our cook-off winners:  Mandee Selby who took home the first place prize for her Creamy Chicken Pasta Soup and Cheryl Dee who won in the chili category with her White Chili. Cake auction bidding was both exciting and entertaining!  Those beautiful cakes brought in over $1300 for the youth fundraiser to be used for youth conferences and retreats.  
CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE?  We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m.  Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy.  Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
DIRECTORY UPDATES: Please pick up a copy of church directory updates to take home and attach to your current directory. It includes a list of the important contacts for easy reference.  
SECRETARY MAILBOX: Above the member mailboxes are mail slots for the Church Council and a few other groups. There is also now a box for “Office Secretary.” When placing mail in these boxes, ensure you are placing it in the correct slot, differentiating between the Church Council Secretary, the Financial Secretary, and the Office Secretary.
SAVE THE DATE: The third annual homeschool conference sponsored by the Lutheran Homeschool League is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, 2024.  The conference will be held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Carlisle, Iowa. This year's theme is Oh, Blest the House: Vocations of the Homeschool Family. Rev. James Preus from Trinity Evangelical Church in Ottumwa, Iowa, is our keynote speaker. This conference is dedicated to supporting current homeschoolers, equipping future homeschoolers and encouraging those considering homeschooling from a confessional Lutheran perspective. Conference brochure and updated website (holycrosscarlisle.org) available soon!

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