June 30th Announcements

FINANCIAL REPORTS: The monthly financial reports from Council meetings will be shared on the slideshow before Sunday school in the fellowship hall. Detailed reports are posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. – Stewardship Board
LOST AND FOUND: Help! Our lost and found basket was quite full. Please take a look at the items laid out on the table in the narthex. Unclaimed items will be donated/disposed of after July 14th.
COOKOUT: The next church cookout is July 14th at 5:30pm at the shelter house. Bring meat for your family to grill and a side to share. See you there!
WEEDING: Our church property could always use some help with weeding. We are specifically looking to take care of areas like the garden, around trees, and around shrubbery. See the sign-up sheet in the narthex or speak with Christina Williamson.

SIGN LANGUAGE WORKSHOP: Did you know that 98% of deaf people to not believe in Jesus as their Savior? A workshop in St. Charles, MO on July 22-26th aims to teach religious signing and to assist in equipping you for outreach to deaf communities. See the poster on the bulletin board, or check out
www.Mark732.org/JesusSign for more information.
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