July 28th Announcements
COLLECTING PHOTOS: The Ladies’ Guild is collecting photos from Pastor Johnson’s 20 years at Holy Cross. If you have photos you would like to share (e.g. weddings, baptisms, special events), you can email a digital copy to katie.eubanks@reagan.com. If you have printed copies, you can leave them in the Office Secretary mailbox in an envelope with your name on it. Allison will scan them and get them back to you.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The Altar Guild could use more ladies to assist on a monthly basis. If you are interested in learning more, speak to Christina Williamson. We are also looking for individuals to serve as greeter or stream team on the 3rd Sunday of the month for the remainder of the year. Reach out via the office secretary email if interested in serving for one month or more. Thank you!
PLAYGROUND CLOSED: The playground will be chemically sprayed for weeds multiple times over the remainder of the summer. There will be caution tape up as a reminder, but please keep off the playground.
DONATIONS NEEDED: The Lutheran Institute for Regenerative Agriculture is looking for gently used items for the girls’ housing/dorm. There is a list in the Narthex. If you have any of the items and would like to donate them, please initial the box next to the item. We will be collecting them and delivering donations this fall. We are also organizing a service project for this fall. Watch for more details. See Kathryn Feldt for details or questions.
FLOOD RECOVERY SITE SUPERVISOR: Iowa District West is looking for a site supervisor to help oversee LERT recovery efforts from the flooding around Spencer, Iowa. The position is volunteer but milage and some expenses are covered, with lodging and most meals being provided. See the job description under the announcement section of the bulletin board. Contact Julie Mann (Julie@IowaDistrictWest.org) if you are interested.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The Altar Guild could use more ladies to assist on a monthly basis. If you are interested in learning more, speak to Christina Williamson. We are also looking for individuals to serve as greeter or stream team on the 3rd Sunday of the month for the remainder of the year. Reach out via the office secretary email if interested in serving for one month or more. Thank you!
PLAYGROUND CLOSED: The playground will be chemically sprayed for weeds multiple times over the remainder of the summer. There will be caution tape up as a reminder, but please keep off the playground.
DONATIONS NEEDED: The Lutheran Institute for Regenerative Agriculture is looking for gently used items for the girls’ housing/dorm. There is a list in the Narthex. If you have any of the items and would like to donate them, please initial the box next to the item. We will be collecting them and delivering donations this fall. We are also organizing a service project for this fall. Watch for more details. See Kathryn Feldt for details or questions.
FLOOD RECOVERY SITE SUPERVISOR: Iowa District West is looking for a site supervisor to help oversee LERT recovery efforts from the flooding around Spencer, Iowa. The position is volunteer but milage and some expenses are covered, with lodging and most meals being provided. See the job description under the announcement section of the bulletin board. Contact Julie Mann (Julie@IowaDistrictWest.org) if you are interested.
Posted in Announcements
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