March 2nd Announcements

COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE: The Council meeting previously scheduled for March 10th, will be moved to the following week, March 17th. The change allows for our properties insurance agent to join at the beginning of the meeting to review updates and details around insuring our church property. 
CHURCH CLEAN-UP:  Board of Properties will be heading up a spring clean-up of the church on Saturday, March 9th at 9:00am.  
VIOLET PARAMENTS:  The forty days of Lent, including the six Sundays that fall during this season, use this deep, rich color which has come to represent somberness and solemnity, penitence, and prayer. Violet or purple was a very cherished and expensive color in the world Jesus lived. The dye used to make the color was painstakingly acquired by massaging the neck of a Mediterranean shell fish that secreted a special fluid. It was therefore afforded only by the rich and worn most exclusively by the royalty. Jesus, the king of the Jews, wore a purple robe only once. As the soldiers mocked and tormented him, the Scriptures record they placed on him a “purple garment” in order to ridicule him and belittle the claim that he was a monarch. Therefore, purple is used during this penitential season of Lent as a vivid reminder of the contempt and scorn he endured, and the subsequent sacrifice he made for our eternal salvation. Ecclesiastical purple should remind all Christians of their daily need to humbly give attention to leading a life of repentance. (Author: Douglas K Escue;  
MEMORIAL FUNDS:  Memorial funds have been used to provide support for the following projects: landscaping, paraments, ladies guild, and the outdoor nativity set.  Funds came from the Junior and Bev Moeller memorial, Carol Lundberg memorial, David Lee memorial, Kay Selby memorial, Eloise Petersen memorial, Marj Christensen memorial, and Skinner memorial. 
NEW LCMS DATING SITE: LCMS Connections is a newly launched free service available to marriage-minded confessional Lutheran singles hoping to connect with others like them throughout our Synod. Visit This matchmaking service is not sponsored by the Synod, but is run by LCMS members.  
PARKING LOT INPUT:   Do you have ideas or suggestions on what details should be included in the parking lot project? Please submit your considerations to Ceci Johnson, the project coordinator, by email.  
PROJECT PRIORITIZATION: Church council has created a prioritized list of projects to be completed around the church. These projects can include small updates (e.g. new light fixture) to large projects (e.g. parking lot). If you notice something that you think should be considered, let Eric Schumacher or another member of the council know, and they will add it to the Project Prioritization Matrix in the correct place

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