March 16th Announcements

SCARLET PARAMENTS: Scarlet paraments will be seen next week: from Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday. It is a color worth investing in because it stands in contrast to the traditional red that is used on Festival Sundays. Scarlet's use during the somber days of Holy Week help to offer a different message. As the Manual on the Liturgy points out, “scarlet is a color anciently associated with the passion ... the color of blood.”  (Author: Douglas K. Escue — 
EASTER LILIES:  If you are interested in donating an Easter lily or lilies for decorating the church on Easter, there is a signup sheet in the narthex.  Each plant is $25.  You may choose to give the plants in honor or memory of someone.  Donations can be given to Ceci Johnson or placed in the offering plate.  Checks should be made out to Holy Cross with Easter Lily in the memo line. 
EASTER BREAKFAST: Easter breakfast planning has begun! Members of the Ladies’ Guild can sign up to bring an egg bake, fruit bowl, beverages, or a baked good. Sign up sheets are located in the Narthex and on our website under Serve>Ladies Guild.  
MARCH 31 DEADLINE!  Thrivent Choice Dollars for 2023 will expire soon! If you are a Thrivent member, you may be eligible to participate and direct Thrivent Choice Dollars to your favorite ministry. Go to or call 800-847-4836 before March 31 and say, “Thrivent Choice.” Any Thrivent choice dollars designated to Holy Cross are applied to Youth conferences and Youth camps. If you have any questions or need further information, please let me know. --John Feldt, Treasurer (515) 867-4858 
DIRECTORY UPDATES: There have been some updates to the directory. Please grab a new sheet from the usher’s table to place inside your directory. It contains all the updates for this year and can replace the previous insert that was created.  
SIBERIAN LUTHERANS NEED YOUR PRAYERS: Lutherans in Siberia still need your prayers and support. Even as crisis between Russia and Ukraine persists, the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society’s support for the Siberian Lutheran Church and its seminary in Novosibirsk remains as strong as ever. Pastors continue to carry God’s Word and Sacrament to the Russian people and those in neighboring countries. Despite the conflict, the seminary remains open, preparing more pastors for God’s work in the area. Please pray for those caught in the tangle of war, particularly those who have benefited from the pastoral outreach of the Siberian Church and the Lutheran Seminary in Novosibirsk. Your gift to the Siberian Mission Society and the campaign to keep the seminary operating matters now more than ever. Learn more at
PASTOR ON VACATION: Pastor will be taking vacation Sunday afternoon, April 7th, until mid-day Wednesday, April 10th. No morning Bible studies on April 10th, but Vespers and Confirmation classes will take place. Please note the change in days from what was published on the March calendar.  
BOARD OPENINGS: The Board of Evangelism and the Board of Properties both have openings. If you are interested in joining, please contact Jeremiah Bolin for Evangelism and Mark Selby for Properties.  
YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENTS: Confirmed youth remember to sign up for one of the youth events this summer (either Camp Trinity, MO in May or the event at Holy Cross in June). Holy Cross will also be holding a family camp in the style of Higher Things at Camp Okoboji July 8-11. Sign up now as spots are filling up!  
LADIES’ GUILD WEBPAGE: The Ladies Guild has added a webpage to the Holy Cross website.  You can find it under the "Serve" tab on the Holy Cross homepage.  Be sure to check it out, fill out the survey, and sign up for Easter Breakfast. 

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