January 12th Announcements
Jan 12th – Council Meeting
Jan 15th – Choir Rehearsal
Jan 17th – Fellowship
Jan 26th – Voters Meeting
CONFESSIONS STUDY: has been moved up a week. It will be this Thursday, Jan 16th, starting at 9:30am with Matins.
THANK YOU: “We really appreciated the Christmas Carols.” – Roy and Cheryl Wedemeyer
CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE? We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
LUTHERAN WITNESS MAGAZINE: If you are currently receiving the Lutheran Witness and would like to continue to do so, please speak with secretary Allison Doying to confirm your subscription. If you would like to start receiving the magazine of the LCMS, you may sign up. The cost is $28 for 11 magazines throughout the year.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK: As you may notice, while flipping through the volunteer schedule there are many blank spots – that means we need more volunteers! If you would like to fill any of those slots, please let the secretary, Allison Doying, know. I also welcome feedback on the format of the booklet and please notify me of any mistakes you notice. Thank you.
OFFERING ENVELOPES: for 2025 are available to pick up. They are located on a table by the bulletin boards in the narthex. If you do not see your name, but would like envelopes, please see John Feldt or Daniel Rees.
YOU’RE INVITED: Former member, Joshua Killion, is graduating with a Master of Divinity from Walther Theological Seminary on February 22, 2025. See the invitation on the bulletin board for more details.
EDUCATING A NEW GENERATION OF LUTHERANS: Issues, Etc. is a podcast and radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: The Bible & Other Religious Writings; The Small-Town Lutheran Church & Pastor; Church Discipline; Roman Catholic Indulgences and more. You can listen on-demand at issuesetc.org.
Jan 12th – Council Meeting
Jan 15th – Choir Rehearsal
Jan 17th – Fellowship
Jan 26th – Voters Meeting
CONFESSIONS STUDY: has been moved up a week. It will be this Thursday, Jan 16th, starting at 9:30am with Matins.
THANK YOU: “We really appreciated the Christmas Carols.” – Roy and Cheryl Wedemeyer
CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE? We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
LUTHERAN WITNESS MAGAZINE: If you are currently receiving the Lutheran Witness and would like to continue to do so, please speak with secretary Allison Doying to confirm your subscription. If you would like to start receiving the magazine of the LCMS, you may sign up. The cost is $28 for 11 magazines throughout the year.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK: As you may notice, while flipping through the volunteer schedule there are many blank spots – that means we need more volunteers! If you would like to fill any of those slots, please let the secretary, Allison Doying, know. I also welcome feedback on the format of the booklet and please notify me of any mistakes you notice. Thank you.
OFFERING ENVELOPES: for 2025 are available to pick up. They are located on a table by the bulletin boards in the narthex. If you do not see your name, but would like envelopes, please see John Feldt or Daniel Rees.
YOU’RE INVITED: Former member, Joshua Killion, is graduating with a Master of Divinity from Walther Theological Seminary on February 22, 2025. See the invitation on the bulletin board for more details.
EDUCATING A NEW GENERATION OF LUTHERANS: Issues, Etc. is a podcast and radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: The Bible & Other Religious Writings; The Small-Town Lutheran Church & Pastor; Church Discipline; Roman Catholic Indulgences and more. You can listen on-demand at issuesetc.org.
Posted in Announcements
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