February 17th Announcements
MEMORIAL FUNDS: Memorial funds have been used to provide support for the following projects: landscaping, paraments, ladies guild, and the outdoor nativity set. Funds came from the Junior and Bev Moeller memorial, Carol Lundberg memorial, David Lee memorial, Kay Selby memorial, Eloise Petersen memorial, and Marj Christensen memorial.
REDEEMER LUTHERAN TALENT SHOW: Redeemer Lutheran Church (1600 S Center St., Marshalltown, IA 5015) is holding a talent show and Chili cookoff on Sunday, February 25th at noon. Feel free to join after you are done with Bible study here! Funds raised from this event will go toward their VBS and Easter egg hunt.
DIRECTORY UPDATES: Please pick up a copy of church directory updates to take home and attach to your current directory. It includes a list of the important contacts for easy reference.
SECRETARY MAILBOX: Above the member mailboxes are mail slots for the Church Council and a few other groups. There is also now a box for “Office Secretary.” When placing mail in these boxes, ensure you are placing it in the correct slot, differentiating between the Church Council Secretary, the Financial Secretary, and the Office Secretary.
SAVE THE DATE: The third annual homeschool conference sponsored by the Lutheran Homeschool League is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, 2024. The conference will be held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Carlisle, Iowa. This year's theme is Oh, Blest the House: Vocations of the Homeschool Family. Rev. James Preus from Trinity Evangelical Church in Ottumwa, Iowa, is our keynote speaker. This conference is dedicated to supporting current homeschoolers, equipping future homeschoolers and encouraging those considering homeschooling from a confessional Lutheran perspective. Conference brochure and updated website (holycrosscarlisle.org) available soon!
REDEEMER LUTHERAN TALENT SHOW: Redeemer Lutheran Church (1600 S Center St., Marshalltown, IA 5015) is holding a talent show and Chili cookoff on Sunday, February 25th at noon. Feel free to join after you are done with Bible study here! Funds raised from this event will go toward their VBS and Easter egg hunt.
DIRECTORY UPDATES: Please pick up a copy of church directory updates to take home and attach to your current directory. It includes a list of the important contacts for easy reference.
SECRETARY MAILBOX: Above the member mailboxes are mail slots for the Church Council and a few other groups. There is also now a box for “Office Secretary.” When placing mail in these boxes, ensure you are placing it in the correct slot, differentiating between the Church Council Secretary, the Financial Secretary, and the Office Secretary.
SAVE THE DATE: The third annual homeschool conference sponsored by the Lutheran Homeschool League is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, 2024. The conference will be held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Carlisle, Iowa. This year's theme is Oh, Blest the House: Vocations of the Homeschool Family. Rev. James Preus from Trinity Evangelical Church in Ottumwa, Iowa, is our keynote speaker. This conference is dedicated to supporting current homeschoolers, equipping future homeschoolers and encouraging those considering homeschooling from a confessional Lutheran perspective. Conference brochure and updated website (holycrosscarlisle.org) available soon!
Posted in Announcements
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