March 9th Announcements
ROSE PARAMENTS: During the long penitential season of Lent, the slight break with Laetare Sunday serves as a reminder: amid the wilderness, when we are getting closer to Good Friday, and Easter still seems so very far away, this bright little glimmer of rose serves as a reminder of the greater joy still to come (Ecclesiastical Sewing).
EASTER LILIES: If you are interested in donating an Easter lily or lilies for decorating the church on Easter, there is a signup sheet in the narthex. Each plant is $25. You may choose to give the plants in honor or memory of someone. Donations can be given to Ceci Johnson or placed in the offering plate. Checks should be made out to Holy Cross with Easter Lily in the memo line.
EASTER BREAKFAST: Easter breakfast planning has begun! Members of the Ladies’ Guild can sign up to bring an egg bake, fruit bowl, beverages, or a baked good. Sign up sheets are located in the Narthex and on our website under Serve>Ladies Guild.
LADIES’ GUILD WEBPAGE: The Ladies Guild has added a webpage to the Holy Cross website. You can find it under the "Serve" tab on the Holy Cross homepage. Be sure to check it out, fill out the survey, and sign up for Easter Breakfast.
COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE: The Council meeting previously scheduled for March 10th, will be moved to the following week, March 17th. The change allows for our properties insurance agent to join at the beginning of the meeting to review updates and details around insuring our church property.
BOARD OPENINGS: The Board of Evangelism and the Board of Properties both have openings. If you are interested in joining, please contact Jeremiah Bolin for Evangelism and Mark Selby for Properties.
YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENTS: Confirmed youth remember to sign up for one of the youth events this summer (either Camp Trinity, MO in May or the event at Holy Cross in June). Holy Cross will also be holding a family camp in the style of Higher Things at Camp Okoboji July 8-11. Sign up now as spots are filling up!
PARENTS WITH LITTLE ONES IN DIAPERS: Did you know there is a pro-life diaper company? EveryLife believes “every baby is a miracle from God who deserves to be loved, protected, and supported. As parents, we have spent our hard-earned dollars diapering our children with products made by companies that are increasingly pushing anti-family, anti-American agendas that directly contradict our convictions and donate to causes that condemn our values.” Their diaper cost is comparable to name brands, if not cheaper; and if you choose a monthly shipping option, shipping is free. If you have questions, you can ask Travis or Allison Doying, who use these diapers for their baby.
EASTER LILIES: If you are interested in donating an Easter lily or lilies for decorating the church on Easter, there is a signup sheet in the narthex. Each plant is $25. You may choose to give the plants in honor or memory of someone. Donations can be given to Ceci Johnson or placed in the offering plate. Checks should be made out to Holy Cross with Easter Lily in the memo line.
EASTER BREAKFAST: Easter breakfast planning has begun! Members of the Ladies’ Guild can sign up to bring an egg bake, fruit bowl, beverages, or a baked good. Sign up sheets are located in the Narthex and on our website under Serve>Ladies Guild.
LADIES’ GUILD WEBPAGE: The Ladies Guild has added a webpage to the Holy Cross website. You can find it under the "Serve" tab on the Holy Cross homepage. Be sure to check it out, fill out the survey, and sign up for Easter Breakfast.
COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE: The Council meeting previously scheduled for March 10th, will be moved to the following week, March 17th. The change allows for our properties insurance agent to join at the beginning of the meeting to review updates and details around insuring our church property.
BOARD OPENINGS: The Board of Evangelism and the Board of Properties both have openings. If you are interested in joining, please contact Jeremiah Bolin for Evangelism and Mark Selby for Properties.
YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENTS: Confirmed youth remember to sign up for one of the youth events this summer (either Camp Trinity, MO in May or the event at Holy Cross in June). Holy Cross will also be holding a family camp in the style of Higher Things at Camp Okoboji July 8-11. Sign up now as spots are filling up!
PARENTS WITH LITTLE ONES IN DIAPERS: Did you know there is a pro-life diaper company? EveryLife believes “every baby is a miracle from God who deserves to be loved, protected, and supported. As parents, we have spent our hard-earned dollars diapering our children with products made by companies that are increasingly pushing anti-family, anti-American agendas that directly contradict our convictions and donate to causes that condemn our values.” Their diaper cost is comparable to name brands, if not cheaper; and if you choose a monthly shipping option, shipping is free. If you have questions, you can ask Travis or Allison Doying, who use these diapers for their baby.
Posted in Announcements
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