A Note from Pastor (May 2024)

St. Paul wrote to the Christians in Colossae, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”  
    As Memorial Day and summer approaches; vacations,  youth retreats and camps  begin to fill up the calendar.  As yard work, weddings and graduations, begin to fill your schedules, do not forget the church calendar also fills up and remains busy and full of opportunities to hear the Word of God and grow in the faith and knowledge of the Lord during the months ahead.   
    This month sees the time of Easter come to an end and Confirmation classes will conclude until fall. However, that doesn’t mean the church’s emphasis on teaching the faith and the preaching of Christ and Him crucified comes to an end.  Far from it.  Many important events mark the church’s calendar.  Just as the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection was preceded by forty days of Lenten preparation, the church commemorates the fortieth day after the Lord’s resurrection by remembering His Ascension into heaven.  Then on the fiftieth day of Easter, the church celebrates the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.      
  The celebration of Trinity Sunday, followed by the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth marks the church’s transition to “ordinary” time, or the Sundays after Trinity.   This season runs through the whole summer and into fall when we will celebrate Holy Cross, St. Michael and all Angels.  Do not forget that vespers continues all summer long providing everyone the opportunity to continue to hear God’s Word during the week.   
    So, as spring turns into summer do not forget Sunday Divine Service, vespers, Table Talk, Bible studies and the numerous other dates on the church’s calendar which mark this time of year as a vibrant and busy one for those who would dwell richly in the Word of the Lord.    

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