June 2nd Announcements

CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE? We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.

SIGN UPS: Check the narthex for opportunities to donate food for the Youth Retreat or to help run the famous Funnel Cake Stand at the Carlisle 4th of July celebrations. Your help is appreciated!
BOARD/GROUP LEADERS: If you are a leader of a board/group, please take a little time to record where your group keeps items. Each storage closet/area has a paper attached with space for you to list your group name and a general idea of items inside. Please check your email or speak to Allison Doying for more information.
LAST CALL: Luther Classical College’s conference is being held June 4-5 and is available via livestream for $25. You can rewind each video or watch them at a later date. Sign up on their website: https://www.lutherclassical.org/conference/
CHURCH COOKOUT: Sunday, June 9, at 5:30 p.m. at the church shelter house.  Bring your own meat to grill and a dish or two to share.
ONE ROOM LEFT: Holy Cross will be hosting a family retreat at Camp Okoboji, July 8th-11th (Mon-Thurs). The topic is “Psalms, Hymns, and Songs: Using the Hymnal for Daily Devotion.” We will stay in Joppa Hall, make and eat meals together, and explore the many activities camp has to offer in between our learning and worship opportunities. There is one room left. Let Allison Doying or Pastor Johnson know if you would like to attend.
SINGLES RETREAT: Iowa District West is hosting a singles retreat at IO-DIS-E-CA July 19-21. Register at faithwinterset.org or contact keithlcms@gmail.com for more information.

GREENFIELD TORNADO: Update from Rev. Dr. Steven Turner, IDW President: Brothers and Sisters in Christ; Greenfield, Iowa has recently been devastated by a powerful tornado that caused significant damage to homes, infrastructure, and lives. Families have lost their homes, cherished belongings, and, tragically, some have lost loved ones. Thankfully, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Greenfield did not sustain damage.
How You Can Help:
1. I would ask each of our congregations to keep our communities in your prayers.
2. We kindly ask for your financial support. Your contribution will go toward emergency supplies, shelter, and long-term recovery efforts. Donate by mail with check payable to Iowa District West with “Disaster Relief Fund” in memo line or online at IowaDistrictWest.org and click on “Donate”. Select the “Disaster Relief” option.
3. There will be organized efforts to provide physical assistance through LERT (Lutheran Early Response Teams). If you are trained or would like to be trained by LERT please go to www.lcms-lert.org
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