January 26th Announcements
Feb 1st 9:30am – Ladies’ Guild
CONFERENCE ON IDENTITY: On Saturday February 1, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Osceola is hosting a conference on creation and identity, presented by Lutheran Family Service. Rev. Jonathan Conner and Cassie Beltz, LMHC, will be speaking on how to address the issue of "identity" from a Lutheran perspective, specifically the question of gender identity. This event is free, and open to all. Childcare will be provided for the presenters' sessions. You can learn more and/or register online today at www.immanuelosceola.org/conference.
DEADLINE CHANGE: The deadline for submitting announcements has changed to 9:00am on Thursday. You may email announcements later than that, but they are not guaranteed to be included in that Sunday’s announcements.
LUTHERAN WITNESS MAGAZINE: If you are currently receiving the Lutheran Witness and would like to continue to do so, please speak with secretary Allison Doying to confirm your subscription. If you would like to start receiving the magazine of the LCMS, you may sign up. The cost is $28 for 11 magazines throughout the year.
YOU’RE INVITED: Former member, Joshua Killion, is graduating with a Master of Divinity from Walther Theological Seminary on February 22, 2025. The graduation takes place at Pilgrim Lutheran Church 2155 N Oakland Ave, Decatur, IL at 2:00pm.
You are also invited in presence and prayers to celebrate his ordination on March 9, 2025. The Divine Service is at Trinity Lutheran Church 1207 W 45th St, Austin, TX at 10:30am.
THE BIBLE & OTHER RELIGIOUS WRITINGS: The Koran, The Book of Mormon, The New World Translation, The Analects of Confucius, The Gospel of Thomas. Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on the origin of religious writings with Dr. Adam Francisco of Concordia University Chicago. You can listen to this multi-part series at issuesetc.org/religiouswritings.
Feb 1st 9:30am – Ladies’ Guild
CONFERENCE ON IDENTITY: On Saturday February 1, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Osceola is hosting a conference on creation and identity, presented by Lutheran Family Service. Rev. Jonathan Conner and Cassie Beltz, LMHC, will be speaking on how to address the issue of "identity" from a Lutheran perspective, specifically the question of gender identity. This event is free, and open to all. Childcare will be provided for the presenters' sessions. You can learn more and/or register online today at www.immanuelosceola.org/conference.
DEADLINE CHANGE: The deadline for submitting announcements has changed to 9:00am on Thursday. You may email announcements later than that, but they are not guaranteed to be included in that Sunday’s announcements.
LUTHERAN WITNESS MAGAZINE: If you are currently receiving the Lutheran Witness and would like to continue to do so, please speak with secretary Allison Doying to confirm your subscription. If you would like to start receiving the magazine of the LCMS, you may sign up. The cost is $28 for 11 magazines throughout the year.
YOU’RE INVITED: Former member, Joshua Killion, is graduating with a Master of Divinity from Walther Theological Seminary on February 22, 2025. The graduation takes place at Pilgrim Lutheran Church 2155 N Oakland Ave, Decatur, IL at 2:00pm.
You are also invited in presence and prayers to celebrate his ordination on March 9, 2025. The Divine Service is at Trinity Lutheran Church 1207 W 45th St, Austin, TX at 10:30am.
THE BIBLE & OTHER RELIGIOUS WRITINGS: The Koran, The Book of Mormon, The New World Translation, The Analects of Confucius, The Gospel of Thomas. Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on the origin of religious writings with Dr. Adam Francisco of Concordia University Chicago. You can listen to this multi-part series at issuesetc.org/religiouswritings.
Posted in Announcements
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