February 2nd Announcements
LUTHERAN WITNESS MAGAZINE: If you are currently receiving the Lutheran Witness and would like to continue to do so, please speak with secretary Allison Doying to confirm your subscription. If you would like to start receiving the magazine of the LCMS, you may sign up. The cost is $28 for 11 magazines throughout the year.
PARKING LOT FUNDING: This is a reminder to prayerfully consider how you and your family could assist with funding for the parking lot project. Fill out the commitment card that was placed in your mailbox and return it by February 23rd.
END OF LIFE WORKSHOP: Redeemer Lutheran Church in Marshalltown, IA is hosting a workshop on theological and practical aspects at life’s end, titled “Departing in Peace.” It will be held on Saturday, March 8th from noon until 4:30pm. Lunch and snacks are provided. RSVP to alexpost1226@gmail.com.
SIGN THE CARD: for former member and seminary graduate, Joshua Killion. If you have a donation you would like included with the card, please give that to Eric Schumacher. Information regarding Joshua’s graduation and ordination can be found on the bulletin board.
EASTERN ORTHODOXY SERIES: How is Confessional Lutheranism similar and different to Eastern Orthodoxy? Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on Eastern Orthodoxy with LCMS Pastor Joshua Schooping. Pastor Schooping is a former Eastern Orthodox priest. You can listen to this series on-demand at issuesetc.org/easternorthodoxy.
LUTHERAN WITNESS MAGAZINE: If you are currently receiving the Lutheran Witness and would like to continue to do so, please speak with secretary Allison Doying to confirm your subscription. If you would like to start receiving the magazine of the LCMS, you may sign up. The cost is $28 for 11 magazines throughout the year.
PARKING LOT FUNDING: This is a reminder to prayerfully consider how you and your family could assist with funding for the parking lot project. Fill out the commitment card that was placed in your mailbox and return it by February 23rd.
END OF LIFE WORKSHOP: Redeemer Lutheran Church in Marshalltown, IA is hosting a workshop on theological and practical aspects at life’s end, titled “Departing in Peace.” It will be held on Saturday, March 8th from noon until 4:30pm. Lunch and snacks are provided. RSVP to alexpost1226@gmail.com.
SIGN THE CARD: for former member and seminary graduate, Joshua Killion. If you have a donation you would like included with the card, please give that to Eric Schumacher. Information regarding Joshua’s graduation and ordination can be found on the bulletin board.
EASTERN ORTHODOXY SERIES: How is Confessional Lutheranism similar and different to Eastern Orthodoxy? Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on Eastern Orthodoxy with LCMS Pastor Joshua Schooping. Pastor Schooping is a former Eastern Orthodox priest. You can listen to this series on-demand at issuesetc.org/easternorthodoxy.
Posted in Announcements
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