September 12th Announcements
CONFIRMATION meets Wednesdays beginning with Vespers at 6:30 p.m. followed by classes for grades 5-8 as well as adults.
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: Men’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. followed by the Ladies’ Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. (note change in time for the Ladies).
CHOIR meets Wednesday evenings after Vespers. All confirmed members of Holy Cross are welcome to join!
SEPTEMBER VOTER’S MEETING is Sunday, September 19, following the Divine Service. This is an important meeting that includes approving the budget for 2022 and electing officers and filling vacant board positions. Please speak to a current board member or Charles Ikenberry if you are interested in volunteering and want to learn more about ways to serve your brothers and sisters at Holy Cross (and beyond) by helping on a board or committee.
VOTER’S MEETING POTLUCK: There will be no Adult Bible Study on Sunday, September 19, due to the Voter’s Meeting. We will have a potluck. Please bring one or two yummy dishes to share!
PICTURE DIRECTORY: We are taking pictures for the new picture directory. Sign up in the Narthex if you haven’t had your family’s picture taken yet. Talk to Elaine Urban if you have any questions.
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: Men’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. followed by the Ladies’ Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. (note change in time for the Ladies).
CHOIR meets Wednesday evenings after Vespers. All confirmed members of Holy Cross are welcome to join!
SEPTEMBER VOTER’S MEETING is Sunday, September 19, following the Divine Service. This is an important meeting that includes approving the budget for 2022 and electing officers and filling vacant board positions. Please speak to a current board member or Charles Ikenberry if you are interested in volunteering and want to learn more about ways to serve your brothers and sisters at Holy Cross (and beyond) by helping on a board or committee.
VOTER’S MEETING POTLUCK: There will be no Adult Bible Study on Sunday, September 19, due to the Voter’s Meeting. We will have a potluck. Please bring one or two yummy dishes to share!
PICTURE DIRECTORY: We are taking pictures for the new picture directory. Sign up in the Narthex if you haven’t had your family’s picture taken yet. Talk to Elaine Urban if you have any questions.
Posted in Announcements
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