October 24th Announcements
NEW ADULT CLASS: Pastor Siegel is teaching a new class on Wednesday evenings following Vespers. We will be studying Luther’s Large Catechism. If you need a Book of Concord, please let Pastor Johnson know.
CHOIR: Altos will meet TODAY after church and before Sunday school for a short sectional to work on Isaiah Mighty Seer and A Mighty Fortress.
CHURCH COUNCIL meets Sunday, October 24, after Bible Study.
PASTOR APPRECIATION: October is Pastor Appreciation month. There will be a reception honoring Pastor next Sunday, October 31, in the fellowship hall.
NO CONFESSIONAL STUDY…this Thursday. Pastor is out of town.
PICTURE DIRECTORY…is temporarily on hold.
GIVE VIA VANCO: Give+ was retired by Vanco on October 1st and is being replaced with Vanco Mobile. Download the Vanco Mobile app on your phone or tablet (iOS App Store or Google Play Store). Follow the instructions and you control the amounts and the frequency of giving, including just a one-time offering. You can even designate categories, such as the building fund. If a category you need is not listed, contact John Feldt via phone or at treasurer@holycrosscarlisle.org to have it added. There is no fee to you or to the church. This is supported by Vanco, the organization that handles several members’ electronic giving. In addition, you can give via Vanco online.
THANK YOU…so much for the use of the church kitchen so I could complete my Boy Scout Eagle project. I had ten volunteers who put 50 breakfast casseroles together for the Salvation Army mobile breakfast service. These casseroles make 500 servings, enough for 300 to 400 homeless people or for someone in need of a hot meal. ~ Yours in Christ and Scouting, Rhett Weese
CHOIR: Altos will meet TODAY after church and before Sunday school for a short sectional to work on Isaiah Mighty Seer and A Mighty Fortress.
CHURCH COUNCIL meets Sunday, October 24, after Bible Study.
PASTOR APPRECIATION: October is Pastor Appreciation month. There will be a reception honoring Pastor next Sunday, October 31, in the fellowship hall.
NO CONFESSIONAL STUDY…this Thursday. Pastor is out of town.
PICTURE DIRECTORY…is temporarily on hold.
GIVE VIA VANCO: Give+ was retired by Vanco on October 1st and is being replaced with Vanco Mobile. Download the Vanco Mobile app on your phone or tablet (iOS App Store or Google Play Store). Follow the instructions and you control the amounts and the frequency of giving, including just a one-time offering. You can even designate categories, such as the building fund. If a category you need is not listed, contact John Feldt via phone or at treasurer@holycrosscarlisle.org to have it added. There is no fee to you or to the church. This is supported by Vanco, the organization that handles several members’ electronic giving. In addition, you can give via Vanco online.
THANK YOU…so much for the use of the church kitchen so I could complete my Boy Scout Eagle project. I had ten volunteers who put 50 breakfast casseroles together for the Salvation Army mobile breakfast service. These casseroles make 500 servings, enough for 300 to 400 homeless people or for someone in need of a hot meal. ~ Yours in Christ and Scouting, Rhett Weese
Posted in Announcements
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