February 20th Announcements

HOLY CROSS APP:  Don’t forget to download the Holy Cross App onto your phone.  You can find the app at the Apple or Android store.  Just search for Holy Cross Lutheran and Carlisle. Questions…contact Kathryn Feldt.
CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING:  Tidying at church continues! Please take a peek at the items displayed on the tables in the basement overflow area. If anything belongs to you, please take it home. If you know one of the items is meant for church, please stash it away with like items and notify the appropriate board of its use and storage placement. Items left will be donated in the coming days. Thank you!
ASH WEDNESDAY SOUP SUPPER:  There will be a Soup Supper on Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:30PM.  Do you have a wonderful soup you want to share?  Is there a delicious dessert you make? Please see the Sign-Up Sheet in the Narthex to help with items.  Plan to attend to make the meal complete!
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