A Note from Pastor
According to Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Remember God’s Word given to the prophet Jeremiah, “But this command I gave them: Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people.” (Jeremiah 7:23)
Taking God’s Word to heart our forefathers were very wary of allowing our children to be instructed by the world, rather than by the church, where the centrality of God’s Word is instilled in every aspect of our lives.
This commitment to teaching the faith is ingrained in us as Lutherans. Remember this instruction from the Small Catechism, concerning basic instruction in the faith, “How the head of the family should teach it in a simple way to his household.”
It might sound shocking, but over a hundred years ago C.F.W. Walther gave this warning to our churches, “What a grievous sin when a congregation says, “it’s okay to send them to the public (englische) school, where they can learn how to do arithmetic, write and read.” No dear parents, God also wants the pure doctrine to be passed on to our descendants.“
Imagine how shocked, angered and dismayed Solomon, Jeremiah, Luther and Walther would be if they could see the state of public education in America today and the apathy of the church in protecting our children from its influence!
Wanting to help encourage and strengthen our families during these challenging times, there will be a conference on the benefits of homeschooling here on Saturday May 14th. Pray that many will consider coming.
Taking God’s Word to heart our forefathers were very wary of allowing our children to be instructed by the world, rather than by the church, where the centrality of God’s Word is instilled in every aspect of our lives.
This commitment to teaching the faith is ingrained in us as Lutherans. Remember this instruction from the Small Catechism, concerning basic instruction in the faith, “How the head of the family should teach it in a simple way to his household.”
It might sound shocking, but over a hundred years ago C.F.W. Walther gave this warning to our churches, “What a grievous sin when a congregation says, “it’s okay to send them to the public (englische) school, where they can learn how to do arithmetic, write and read.” No dear parents, God also wants the pure doctrine to be passed on to our descendants.“
Imagine how shocked, angered and dismayed Solomon, Jeremiah, Luther and Walther would be if they could see the state of public education in America today and the apathy of the church in protecting our children from its influence!
Wanting to help encourage and strengthen our families during these challenging times, there will be a conference on the benefits of homeschooling here on Saturday May 14th. Pray that many will consider coming.
Posted in Notes from Pastor
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