May 1st Announcements

CHURCH LAWN CARE: The Board of Properties is looking for members who are willing to cover mowing and trimming church lawn during the spring / summer seasons.  Signing up means there is no commitment but you may be contacted to help with this task.  "Training" can be provided as needed.  An informational email will be sent out to those who sign up with more specific details and sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex. Your help is appreciated – many hands make light work.  Thank you!
GRADUATION RECEPTION:  Stewardship is hosting a reception for Holy Cross graduates on Sunday, May 22.  High school graduates include:  Joshua Feldt, Cale Lee, and Rhett Weese. If you know of anyone graduating from college, tech school, etc., please let us know so that we can honor them as well.
FOOD PANTRY: The Carlisle Area Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts collected items from local residents for the Food Pantry yesterday.  We need help with sorting, dating, and boxing donations on Tuesday, May 3, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday, May 4, beginning at noon.
Thank you -- Waneta Johnson, Holy Cross Food Pantry Coordinator
CHURCH GARAGE SALE:  Stewardship is hosting a church garage sale June 3-4.  Items for the sale may be dropped off beginning Sunday, May 15, and should be put in the church garage.  No clothing.  No large electronics, appliances, or furniture without getting permission from the Board of Stewardship beforehand.  ~ Ceci Johnson, Elaine Urban, and Rita Stofer
PRINTED CALENDAR & VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE: Since these are now available online, we are not putting a printed copy in every mailbox. The printed copies are available by the mailboxes & on a table in the narthex.
Flowers for May 1st are in memory of Junior Moeller
Please contact Ceci Johnson with any announcements for the month of May.
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