A Note from Pastor
The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy saying, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:14-15)
This encouragement from God’s Word is more important than ever before. The fallen world tells us to trust in feelings and experiences more than the unchanging Word of God; the temptations of the devil are to abandon sound doctrine and replace it with human reason; and even our own flesh with its desires for the immediate gratification of our passions at the expense of self-discipline and godly living constantly work against the Christian.
Nearly 500 year ago, Luther made clear that the “Father of the House,” is to heed St. Paul’s words and teach the Christian faith in a simple way to his “household.” To help accomplish this, Luther also reminds pastors, “Therefore I beg you all for God’s sake, my dear sirs and brethren, who are pastors or preachers, to devote yourselves heartily to your office, to have pity on the people who are entrusted to you, and to help us inculcate the Catechism upon the people, and especially upon the young. And let those of you who cannot do better take these tables and forms and impress them, word for word, on the people.” (Small Catechism)
Ongoing catechesis of both young and old is the joyful calling and God-given responsibility of both parents and pastors. It ensures that what we firmly believe concerning the forgiveness of sins, faith and salvation that is ours in Christ Jesus is not forgotten but is passed on to God’s children. To aid in this important task, confirmation classes resume this month.
This encouragement from God’s Word is more important than ever before. The fallen world tells us to trust in feelings and experiences more than the unchanging Word of God; the temptations of the devil are to abandon sound doctrine and replace it with human reason; and even our own flesh with its desires for the immediate gratification of our passions at the expense of self-discipline and godly living constantly work against the Christian.
Nearly 500 year ago, Luther made clear that the “Father of the House,” is to heed St. Paul’s words and teach the Christian faith in a simple way to his “household.” To help accomplish this, Luther also reminds pastors, “Therefore I beg you all for God’s sake, my dear sirs and brethren, who are pastors or preachers, to devote yourselves heartily to your office, to have pity on the people who are entrusted to you, and to help us inculcate the Catechism upon the people, and especially upon the young. And let those of you who cannot do better take these tables and forms and impress them, word for word, on the people.” (Small Catechism)
Ongoing catechesis of both young and old is the joyful calling and God-given responsibility of both parents and pastors. It ensures that what we firmly believe concerning the forgiveness of sins, faith and salvation that is ours in Christ Jesus is not forgotten but is passed on to God’s children. To aid in this important task, confirmation classes resume this month.
Posted in Notes from Pastor
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