A Note from Pastor

  As we move into November, the readings and the hymns emphasize the Judgment Day and the return of Christ.  “The day is surely drawing near,” we sing, “when Jesus, God’s anointed, in all His power shall appear as judge whom God appointed.”  (LSB 508)
    Therefore, we remember that time is short. They remind us that even though Christians have been waiting for our Lord’s return since He first ascended into heaven, we still eagerly pray and look forward to that day when He returns in glory and the dead are raised.
    Unfortunately, busy with all the activities, pleasures, and concerns of this modern world, it is easy to forget the Lord has promised to return to judge both the living and the dead.  It is tempting to focus only on the terrifying reality that He will destroy this sinful world and that it will melt away in fire on that Day. 
   But realizing we too have sinned and deserve God’s judgment, is exactly why we sing, “May Christ our intercessor be and through His blood and merit read from His book that we are free with all who life inherit. Then we shall see Him face to face, with all His saints in that blest place which He has purchased for us.
    Thanks to Christ, we need not fear that day, but rather rejoice in it.  For with the coming of the Lord all sin and death will be removed from us forever.  On that day the promises of God will be fully realized as the dead in Christ are raised never to die again. Believing what the Scriptures teach, it is a joy to sing, “O Jesus Christ, do not delay, but hasten our salvation; we often tremble on our way in fear and tribulation. O hear and grant our fervent plea: Come, mighty judge, and set us free from death and every evil.” (LSB 508)  Amen.

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