Update from Holy Cross Crucifix Committee

Members of Holy Cross,
At the most recent voters’ meeting, the Board of Elders put forth a motion in response to a request to explore installing a crucifix in the church’s sanctuary. The motion reads as follows and was approved by the Voters’ Assembly: “A committee consisting of 7 individuals be appointed by the Church Council. The committee will consist of an elder, a Board of Education committee member, a Board of Properties member and four congregational members. Pastor will serve in an advisory capacity but is not included in the committee total.

The committee has been selected, and members include Paul Buelow, Kristen Ikenberry, Jakob Nath, Kristina Helfert, Cheryl Dee, and Kellee Zweifel.
The scope of the committee’s research, as outlined by the Voters’ Assembly, includes:
  • Crucifix type, style, size, etc.
  • Sanctuary modifications to accommodate the crucifix
  • Disposition of existing cross
  • Triptych placement within the church

The committee seeks both to share and receive information with regard to these tasks. As such, Holy Cross members are invited to offer input and insight to committee members—both in person or through email—on the project. Emails can be sent to crucifix@holycrosscarlisle.org. Please submit your initial feedback in person or writing by June 4th, 2023.

Likewise, the committee will provide routine updates to the congregation on the project through a variety of forums:
  • the announcement sheet & bulletin board
  • Electronic media (website, public Facebook page, email)
  • discussions in Bible class on Sunday mornings
  • future open meetings
The first open meeting opportunity will be Wednesday evenings beginning May 17th following the 6:30pm Vespers service.

The committee offers its gratitude in advance for the help and prayerful consideration of the congregation regarding this important project.

Respectfully submitted,
Holy Cross Crucifix Committee

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Rev Mark Selby - May 15th, 2023 at 1:49pm

Sorry that I can not join you the 17th due to work. I believe you know my thoughts on getting a crucifix. I even offered to Pastor that I would debate the issue with anyone, just for a educational standpoint. I also would like to see the triptych placed on the wall behind the altar.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks

Again, I am sorry that I cannot attend. One week later, I could have.

KaraJane Cu - June 26th, 2023 at 8:07am

Thank you for saying this, Paul. I, too, felt the word debate was confrontational. As a result, I, like many others, felt that there was no point in voicing any questions or concerns that might be against the Crucifix.

Your comment is reassurance that it might be possible to have discussions that do not have to result in debate (which in essence debate means a winner and a loser).

I appreciate your response.

In the Risen Christ,


Paul Buelow - June 26th, 2023 at 7:53am

Mark - thank you for posting here. I didn't realize feedback was coming here until another member pointed it out.

The word 'debate' is inappropriate for the process the Crucifix Committee is conducting to fulfill the task which the congregation has given us. It is because of this confrontational stance taken by some proponents of a crucifix that I am currently opposed to having one.

I look forward to a cordial conversation among brothers and sisters in Christ where differing opinions are considered and discussed in Christian charity and not in conflict.

In the Name of the Risen Christ


KaraJane Cu - June 26th, 2023 at 8:07am

Thank you for saying this, Paul. I, too, felt the word debate was confrontational. As a result, I, like many others, felt that there was no point in voicing any questions or concerns that might be against the Crucifix.

Your comment is reassurance that it might be possible to have discussions that do not have to result in debate (which in essence debate means a winner and a loser).

I appreciate your response.

In the Risen Christ,





