September 29th Announcements

LUTHER CLASSICAL COLLEGE: Luther Classical College is ready to welcome its inaugural class in Fall of 2025 with seven students already admitted and 90 more prospective students. They also broke ground on the campus and expect to finish 100% of grading within weeks. Funding is secured for the first of the on-campus student houses. Material on Luther Classical College can be found in the narthex, or learn more online at
MEN’S EVENT: We will have a men’s get together at Jim Skinner’s acreage on the evening of October 18th. He lives south of the metro close to Milo. Directions can be provided to those that have interest. We will grill out and have a fire pit going. Bring meat to grill and a beverage of your choosing. Any questions - please feel free to ask the elder board.

DO YOU PLAY PIANO? Choir is looking for someone with Piano skills to assist during rehearsals. They would play parts to help the singers to learn new music. Contact Kathryn Feldt for details.

EXPLORE THE WEBSITE: Each month, we will share a QR code which directs you to a different page on our church website. The purpose of this is to get more people familiar with using the website and to show what resources can be found on our website.
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