October 13th Announcements

OCTOBER COUNCIL MEETING: The council meeting has been postponed until October 27th.  
REMINDER: Please turn in your green follow-up parking lot surveys! You may place them in the labeled box on the wall by the elevator, or in Kathryn Feldt’s mailbox.
THANK YOU: “Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind."  Phil. 2:2
I would like to thank the entire congregation and especially those who worked so hard to make the celebration of my twentieth ordination anniversary a very special day.  It was a joy to hear the organ being played so beautifully and the congregation singing our faith so boldly at both the recital and the prayer office.  My family and I have been truly blessed and are incredibly thankful to the Lord for calling me to a congregation that is wonderfully committed to God's Word and truly appreciative of God's gifts.  
In Christ, Pastor Johnson

MISSED THE CONCERT? Last week, the wonderful musicians of Holy Cross put on a concert as part of the celebration of Pastor Johnson’s 20 years here. If you want to listen to the full concert, you can find it on our website on the media page, under “Special Services & Events” or by using the link here.

REFORMATION VESPERS: Trinity Lutheran Church in Des Moines is delighted to host the East and West Des Moines Circuit Reformation Service on October 27th at 4:00pm. The members of your congregation are cordially invited to join us for the Office of Vespers featuring sacred choral music with instrumental accompaniment. Following the service is a soup dinner and presentation from our guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. Gregory Schulz who will present on the pastoral formation work of Lutherans in Africa. Please RSVP by calling 515-279-3609 if you would like to join one of our musical ensembles or to bring a dish to share for the meal. The Word of the Lord Endures Forever!

CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE? We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
MEN’S EVENT: We will have a men’s get together at Jim Skinner’s acreage on the evening of October 18th. He lives south of the metro close to Milo. Directions can be provided to those that have interest. We will grill out and have a fire pit going. Bring meat to grill and a beverage of your choosing. Any questions - please feel free to ask the elder board.
PARKING LOT RESULTS: At the most recent Voter’s Meeting, it was voted to not move forward with the parking lot project at this time. Any donations to be directed specifically to the parking lot can be allocated accordingly for the new restricted account created.
LUTHER CLASSICAL COLLEGE: Luther Classical College is ready to welcome its inaugural class in Fall of 2025 with seven students already admitted and 90 more prospective students. They also broke ground on the campus and expect to finish 100% of grading within weeks. Funding is secured for the first of the on-campus student houses. Material on Luther Classical College can be found in the narthex, or learn more online at lutherclassical.org.
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