December 15th Announcements
Dec 18th – Handbell Rehearsal 5:00pm
Dec 20th – Fellowship 6:00pm
Dec 22nd – Christmas Caroling
FELLOWSHIP THIS FRIDAY: We have Fellowship this coming Friday, December 20, beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
CHRISTMAS CAROLING: Join us for Christmas caroling on Sunday, December 22, following Adult Bible Study. A light lunch will be served before we head out to carol to several of our members. Everyone is welcome! Look for the sign-up sheet in the narthex.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! WE NEED USHERS to help the service run smoothly. If you are an adult male of the congregation, please consider serving, even just a couple Sundays a year. We NEED A DRIVER for Tom & Lin on the first week of the month. We also are LOOKING FOR A GREETER (or family of greeters) for the 3rd or 5th Sundays of the month. If you can fill any of these roles, please let the secretary, Allison Doying, know as soon as possible so that the 2025 Volunteer schedule can be published. Thank you!
ADVENT DEVOTION: from Steadfast Lutherans is now available! You may pick up a print copy near the bulletins, or follow the link on our website!
IOWA LUTHERAN SCHOOL TUITION ORGANIZATION: In 17 years ILSTO has been able to award over 8 million dollars to benefit families wanting to send their children to Lutheran elementary & secondary schools. This money comes from donors like you that benefit two ways: 1) You get to see more children experiencing the love of God every day, and 2) You will receive a 75% tax credit on your Iowa state income taxes and possible charitable deduction on your Federal return. Please consider making this donation a part of your tax planning for 2024. For further information, please contact Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991. You may also check our website:
PORTALS OF PRAYER: The January-March edition is now available. Grab yours from the table at the back of the sanctuary.
TRUTH, GOODNESS & BEAUTY: Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s topics include: The Movie “Gladiator II,” The Hymn “May God Bestow on Us His Grace,” Roman Catholicism & Indulgences, Mary Visits Elizabeth, The Testimony of John the Baptist and more. You can listen on-demand at
Dec 18th – Handbell Rehearsal 5:00pm
Dec 20th – Fellowship 6:00pm
Dec 22nd – Christmas Caroling
FELLOWSHIP THIS FRIDAY: We have Fellowship this coming Friday, December 20, beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
CHRISTMAS CAROLING: Join us for Christmas caroling on Sunday, December 22, following Adult Bible Study. A light lunch will be served before we head out to carol to several of our members. Everyone is welcome! Look for the sign-up sheet in the narthex.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! WE NEED USHERS to help the service run smoothly. If you are an adult male of the congregation, please consider serving, even just a couple Sundays a year. We NEED A DRIVER for Tom & Lin on the first week of the month. We also are LOOKING FOR A GREETER (or family of greeters) for the 3rd or 5th Sundays of the month. If you can fill any of these roles, please let the secretary, Allison Doying, know as soon as possible so that the 2025 Volunteer schedule can be published. Thank you!
ADVENT DEVOTION: from Steadfast Lutherans is now available! You may pick up a print copy near the bulletins, or follow the link on our website!
IOWA LUTHERAN SCHOOL TUITION ORGANIZATION: In 17 years ILSTO has been able to award over 8 million dollars to benefit families wanting to send their children to Lutheran elementary & secondary schools. This money comes from donors like you that benefit two ways: 1) You get to see more children experiencing the love of God every day, and 2) You will receive a 75% tax credit on your Iowa state income taxes and possible charitable deduction on your Federal return. Please consider making this donation a part of your tax planning for 2024. For further information, please contact Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991. You may also check our website:
PORTALS OF PRAYER: The January-March edition is now available. Grab yours from the table at the back of the sanctuary.
TRUTH, GOODNESS & BEAUTY: Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s topics include: The Movie “Gladiator II,” The Hymn “May God Bestow on Us His Grace,” Roman Catholicism & Indulgences, Mary Visits Elizabeth, The Testimony of John the Baptist and more. You can listen on-demand at
Posted in Announcements
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