December 29th Announcements
Jan 4th – Ladies Guild Meeting
Jan 5th – Installation of New Officers
Jan 12th – Council Meeting
Jan 26th – Voters Meeting
VOTERS MEETING: The first of our semi-annual voters meetings for 2025 is coming up on January 26th.
CHECK YOUR MAILBOX! Check your mailbox for an updated directory and the 2025 Volunteer Handbook & Schedule. If you are a new member, you should now have been assigned a slot.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK: As you may notice, while flipping through the volunteer schedule there are many blank spots – that means we need more volunteers! If you would like to fill any of those slots, please let the secretary, Allison Doying, know. I also welcome feedback on the format of the booklet and please notify me of any mistakes you notice. Thank you.
OFFERING ENVELOPES: for 2025 are available to pick up. They are located on a table by the bulletin boards in the narthex. If you do not see your name, but would like envelopes, please see John Feldt or Daniel Rees.
PORTALS OF PRAYER: The January-March edition is now available. Grab yours from the table at the back of the sanctuary.
YOU’RE INVITED: Former member, Joshua Killion, is graduating with a Master of Divinity from Walther Theological Seminary on February 22, 2025. See the invitation on the bulletin board for more details.
IOWA LUTHERAN SCHOOL TUITION ORGANIZATION: The deadline for charitable donations for the tax year 2024 is December 31, just 2 days away. Be sure your donation is postmarked by December 31 to ensure credit for 2024. For a donor who mails a check to a charity that properly clears the bank in due course, the contribution date is the postmark date on the transmittal envelope not the date on the check. You may also donate online at but be sure to do this before December 31. Thank you for your generosity to help more families send their children to a Lutheran elementary or secondary school in Iowa.
STUDY GOD’S WORD IN 2025: Here’s a simple way to study God’s Word. The Word of the Lord Endures Forever is a daily, 15-minute, verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. Pastor Weedon is currently leading a study on the Book of Psalms. You can listen at You can also listen by phone at 1 (618) 262-0078.
Jan 4th – Ladies Guild Meeting
Jan 5th – Installation of New Officers
Jan 12th – Council Meeting
Jan 26th – Voters Meeting
VOTERS MEETING: The first of our semi-annual voters meetings for 2025 is coming up on January 26th.
CHECK YOUR MAILBOX! Check your mailbox for an updated directory and the 2025 Volunteer Handbook & Schedule. If you are a new member, you should now have been assigned a slot.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK: As you may notice, while flipping through the volunteer schedule there are many blank spots – that means we need more volunteers! If you would like to fill any of those slots, please let the secretary, Allison Doying, know. I also welcome feedback on the format of the booklet and please notify me of any mistakes you notice. Thank you.
OFFERING ENVELOPES: for 2025 are available to pick up. They are located on a table by the bulletin boards in the narthex. If you do not see your name, but would like envelopes, please see John Feldt or Daniel Rees.
PORTALS OF PRAYER: The January-March edition is now available. Grab yours from the table at the back of the sanctuary.
YOU’RE INVITED: Former member, Joshua Killion, is graduating with a Master of Divinity from Walther Theological Seminary on February 22, 2025. See the invitation on the bulletin board for more details.
IOWA LUTHERAN SCHOOL TUITION ORGANIZATION: The deadline for charitable donations for the tax year 2024 is December 31, just 2 days away. Be sure your donation is postmarked by December 31 to ensure credit for 2024. For a donor who mails a check to a charity that properly clears the bank in due course, the contribution date is the postmark date on the transmittal envelope not the date on the check. You may also donate online at but be sure to do this before December 31. Thank you for your generosity to help more families send their children to a Lutheran elementary or secondary school in Iowa.
STUDY GOD’S WORD IN 2025: Here’s a simple way to study God’s Word. The Word of the Lord Endures Forever is a daily, 15-minute, verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. Pastor Weedon is currently leading a study on the Book of Psalms. You can listen at You can also listen by phone at 1 (618) 262-0078.
Posted in Announcements
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