October 23rd Announcements

DIRECTORY: Updated directories are in mailboxes in the entryway.

TALENT SHOW: Redeemer Lutheran Church, Marshalltown Reformation Sunday, October 30th at 12:30 pm. Lunch and a Show - see flyer for more details

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: The Sunday School children will be presenting a Christmas program this year, focused on Luther's Christmas Hymn "From Heaven Above to Earth I Come". The program will take place on Sunday, December 18'", after Divine Service in the morning. Practice will begin in November and will take place during the Sunday School hour on Sunday mornings.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend! If you have children in Sunday school and are not able to be there, please let the Board of Education know. Thank you!

BAPTISM ANNIVERSARIES FOR THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN: We are making a point to celebrate the Baptism anniversaries (Baptism "Birthdays") of the Sunday School children during Sunday School opening. Please give the date of your child(ren)'s baptism to Gayl Siegel or Kathy Dee. Thank you!

THANK YOU!: Thank you to all the many volunteers who have helped over the past year. In addition to special event volunteers, we also had over 30 members scheduled to volunteer either weekly or monthly in 2022. They served as greeters, filmers, ushers, streamers, and altar guild members. Thank you to each of you for all you do here at Holy Cross. These volunteers are listed in your member schedule book. Please take the time to thank them.

We are putting together the 2023 schedule and we need you. Here are some ways you can help:
  • Welcome members and guests on Sunday morning (GREETER)
  • Run the camera to film services (FILMER)
  • Operate the laptop to stream services (STREAMER/PRODUCER)
  • Type and print announcement page for a given month and provide to website admins (ANNOUNCEMENTS)
  • Wash communion ware after services (ALTAR GUILD)
  • Serve as an USHER
There are job descriptions posted in the narthex and sign-up sheets are available as well.
Training is available for all positions.
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