March 4th Announcements

COMMITTEE TO RESEARCH CRUCIFIX: Seeking four at-large congregation members interested in researching various aspects of a crucifix being added in the sanctuary.  If you are interested in serving with this group to gather information, seek congregational input, and present options from the results of the broad analysis needed, please contact a church council member.
VESPERS DURING LENT:  Join us each Wednesday at 6:30pm through the month of March for Vespers with private confession and absolution following. Confirmation class will be as usual after Vespers.
SPRING CLEANING: Please take a look at the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. You can sign up for a single task or as many as you would like! A community workday will be held on Saturday, March 18th, starting at 9am. If you are unavailable to attend on the 18th, come any day & time that works for your schedule. You can use the cleaning supplies at church or bring your own. We would like to have all tasks completed no later than April 8th. Your help is greatly appreciated! - Board of Properties
FLORAL ADORNMENT: Kathy Dee and Christina Williamson are looking for bulbs to plant at church. If you are dividing bulbs and would be willing to donate any, they would gladly accept them.
MARCH COUNCIL MEETING: Council members, please update your calendars – the March Council meeting will be held on Sunday, March 26th at 11:45am, not March 12th.

President Eric Schumacher:
Secretary Stephanie Schumacher:
Treasurer Kathryn Feldt:
Financial Secretary John Feldt:

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