September 15th Announcements
VOTERS MEETING: September 22nd is our regular voters meeting.
CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE? We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
MEN’S EVENT: We will have a men’s get together at Jim Skinner’s acreage on the evening of October 18th. We will grill out and have a fire pit going. Bring meat to grill and a beverage of your choosing. For those who wish to do so, we will also look to camp out that evening and be involved in Jim’s shooting range that next morning, October 19th. Any questions - please feel free to ask the elder board.
THANK YOU! Many thanks to the members of Holy Cross for the generous donations to the Lutheran Institute of Regenerative Agriculture. The donations were delivered on Saturday and the students will be moving into their housing next week on Sunday, September 15th. Please keep the staff at LIRA and their students in your prayers as they begin this project together.
DIRECTORY PHOTOS DUE: If you have not had your photo taken for the directory yet, please see Kathryn or Rita after the service to get that done. You may also email a photo to the office secretary.
HIGHER THINGS VIDEOS: Higher Things has a new video series titled “I’m New Here.” It is designed specifically for the non-traditional confirmation student or those stepping into a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod church for the first time. They serve as an entry point for understanding the core beliefs of Christianity through a Lutheran lens and as a springboard for deeper discussions with their local LCMS pastor. Find it on their YouTube channel at the following link:
RSVPs DUE: Please respond to the invitation to Pastor’s 20th Anniversary celebration if you haven’t already. The meal is catered, so we need an accurate count. You can RSVP on our website under the “events” tab, or email the office secretary. Thank you.
DO YOU PLAY PIANO? Choir is looking for someone with Piano skills to assist during rehearsals. They would play parts to help the singers to learn new music. Contact Kathryn Feldt for details.
STREAM TEAM VACANCIES: We have vacancies in the stream team schedule on the 3rd Sundays of the month, through the remainder of the year. If you are able to help out on one of these Sundays, please let Allison, the secretary, know.
PASADENA PETAL PUSHERS: Registration is open for the California mission opportunity over the New Year holiday. Join Ioway in working on floats for the Rose Parade and partaking in other mission projects in the area. See the poster for details. Registration forms are available on the table as well.
EXPLORE THE WEBSITE: Each month, we will share a QR code which directs you to a different page on our church website. The purpose of this is to get more people familiar with using the website and to show what resources can be found on our website.
CONTRACT RUMMY ANYONE? We have Fellowship this coming Friday beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting game of Contract Rummy. Bring a snack or two to share with the group.
MEN’S EVENT: We will have a men’s get together at Jim Skinner’s acreage on the evening of October 18th. We will grill out and have a fire pit going. Bring meat to grill and a beverage of your choosing. For those who wish to do so, we will also look to camp out that evening and be involved in Jim’s shooting range that next morning, October 19th. Any questions - please feel free to ask the elder board.
THANK YOU! Many thanks to the members of Holy Cross for the generous donations to the Lutheran Institute of Regenerative Agriculture. The donations were delivered on Saturday and the students will be moving into their housing next week on Sunday, September 15th. Please keep the staff at LIRA and their students in your prayers as they begin this project together.
DIRECTORY PHOTOS DUE: If you have not had your photo taken for the directory yet, please see Kathryn or Rita after the service to get that done. You may also email a photo to the office secretary.
HIGHER THINGS VIDEOS: Higher Things has a new video series titled “I’m New Here.” It is designed specifically for the non-traditional confirmation student or those stepping into a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod church for the first time. They serve as an entry point for understanding the core beliefs of Christianity through a Lutheran lens and as a springboard for deeper discussions with their local LCMS pastor. Find it on their YouTube channel at the following link:
RSVPs DUE: Please respond to the invitation to Pastor’s 20th Anniversary celebration if you haven’t already. The meal is catered, so we need an accurate count. You can RSVP on our website under the “events” tab, or email the office secretary. Thank you.
DO YOU PLAY PIANO? Choir is looking for someone with Piano skills to assist during rehearsals. They would play parts to help the singers to learn new music. Contact Kathryn Feldt for details.
STREAM TEAM VACANCIES: We have vacancies in the stream team schedule on the 3rd Sundays of the month, through the remainder of the year. If you are able to help out on one of these Sundays, please let Allison, the secretary, know.
PASADENA PETAL PUSHERS: Registration is open for the California mission opportunity over the New Year holiday. Join Ioway in working on floats for the Rose Parade and partaking in other mission projects in the area. See the poster for details. Registration forms are available on the table as well.
EXPLORE THE WEBSITE: Each month, we will share a QR code which directs you to a different page on our church website. The purpose of this is to get more people familiar with using the website and to show what resources can be found on our website.
Posted in Announcements
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