November 3rd Announcements
PROCESSIONAL CROSS: In his first epistle to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul emphasized that, "We preach Christ crucified" (1 Cor. 1:23). He also made clear that the crucifixion of Jesus is central to our beliefs writing that, "I have decided to know nothing among you except Christ and Him crucified" (1 Cor. 2:2). This sentiment was also affirmed by Luther when he declared, "The cross alone is our theology." The very name of our congregation, "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" bears witness that this is our theology as well. Many do not realize that crucifixes are common in Lutheran churches across Germany. Therefore, in a desire to reverently focus our attention on Christ's sacrifice and the promise of His resurrection, a Corpus will be installed on the processional cross. The new Corpus was hand carved by craftsman in Oberammergau, Germany, the location of the famous Passion play. If you have any questions, please speak with one of the Elders.
HANDBELLS: The handbell group will resume practicing this Wednesday, November 6th at 5:30pm. We will be preparing music to go along with Lessons & Carols. If you are interested in joining, please speak with Aja Friedrichs or Allison Doying.
2025 VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS: Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to serve your congregation this coming year. We need volunteers to drive members to services, greet visitors, stream the services online, care for communion ware, and serve as ushers. Training is available for all positions. Read a short summary of each volunteer position and sign up on the sheets in the narthex.
DIRECTORY UPDATES: We are starting the process of editing contact information to get our photo directory ready before the new year. Please see the enlarged version of the member directory on the table in the narthex or wait for it to be passed around at Bible study. Correct any information, or if everything is the same, just initial by your family so I know it has been looked at. You only need to mark one of the two copies. Thanks! - Allison, Secretary
HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE: In years past, Christian Community in Action (CCA) has provided food boxes for local families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are asking the local congregations for donations of stuffing mix, gravy mix and/or canned cranberry sauce. There will be a box on the table in the Narthex if you would like to donate any of these items. If you have any questions, see Waneta Johnson, CCA Representative from Holy Cross.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of a streamer on December 15th, and a greeter on December 29th. If you are able to fill either of these positions, please let Allison, the secretary, know. Thanks!
KARAOKE FOR LUTHERAN HYMNS: You can sing hymns like “For All the Saints,” “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come,” “Abide with Me” and more. Lutheran Public Radio has produced YouTube videos of almost 50 hymns with text and music featuring the Lutheran Public Radio Choir. Sing along at
HANDBELLS: The handbell group will resume practicing this Wednesday, November 6th at 5:30pm. We will be preparing music to go along with Lessons & Carols. If you are interested in joining, please speak with Aja Friedrichs or Allison Doying.
2025 VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS: Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to serve your congregation this coming year. We need volunteers to drive members to services, greet visitors, stream the services online, care for communion ware, and serve as ushers. Training is available for all positions. Read a short summary of each volunteer position and sign up on the sheets in the narthex.
DIRECTORY UPDATES: We are starting the process of editing contact information to get our photo directory ready before the new year. Please see the enlarged version of the member directory on the table in the narthex or wait for it to be passed around at Bible study. Correct any information, or if everything is the same, just initial by your family so I know it has been looked at. You only need to mark one of the two copies. Thanks! - Allison, Secretary
HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE: In years past, Christian Community in Action (CCA) has provided food boxes for local families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are asking the local congregations for donations of stuffing mix, gravy mix and/or canned cranberry sauce. There will be a box on the table in the Narthex if you would like to donate any of these items. If you have any questions, see Waneta Johnson, CCA Representative from Holy Cross.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in need of a streamer on December 15th, and a greeter on December 29th. If you are able to fill either of these positions, please let Allison, the secretary, know. Thanks!
KARAOKE FOR LUTHERAN HYMNS: You can sing hymns like “For All the Saints,” “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come,” “Abide with Me” and more. Lutheran Public Radio has produced YouTube videos of almost 50 hymns with text and music featuring the Lutheran Public Radio Choir. Sing along at
Posted in Announcements
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