November 17th Announcements
November 21st – Matins & Confessions Study
December 1st – Special Voters Meeting for parking lot funding approval, emergency fund approval (insurance risk mitigation), and summer field worker budget addition
December 8th – Council Meeting following Children’s Christmas Program
In response to the parking lot vote in October which showed an overall desire to pave the parking lot pending on sufficient financial support, stewardship has conducted an informal survey of the congregation.
Based on the survey, members informally were willing to immediately donate $61,000 above and beyond their usual tithing. Also, over the length of any loan members were willing to sacrifice an additional $25,000 above and beyond their usual tithing to pay down any loan balance (based on an average estimated loan length of 6 years).
The survey also indicated that on average, members supported using approximately $75,000 of existing unrestricted cash on hand. In addition, on average, members supported a loan amount of approximately $75,000. In addition, the existing Parking Lot fund balance is $5600.
$75,000 unrestricted cash on hand+$75,000 proposed loan amount+$75,000 donations = $225,000 estimate for parking lot
A visual representation of the survey results as well as summary sheets are on display in the narthex and on our website. Please carefully review the information. A special voters meeting will be held on December 1 to decide how to proceed.
2025 VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS: Sign up sheets will be passed around at Bible study for 2025 volunteer positions, donating to the altar flower fund, and to sign up for fellowship serving in 2025. Please consider how you can joyfully help your congregation.
LAST CALL FOR DIRECTORY UPDATES: If you haven’t already, please take a moment to check your contact information in the directory, make any changes or initial by your name if everything is correct. I will be finalizing the 2025 directory soon!
HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE: In years past, Christian Community in Action (CCA) has provided food boxes for local families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are asking the local congregations for donations of stuffing mix, gravy mix and/or canned cranberry sauce. There will be a box on the table in the Narthex if you would like to donate any of these items. If you have any questions, see Waneta Johnson, CCA Representative from Holy Cross.
HANDBELLS: The handbell group will be meeting again this Wednesday at 5:30pm for rehearsal.
HELP IDENTIFY KEYS: We have a full drawer of keys, but don’t know what all they belong to. If you might know the use of some church keys, please see Allison Doying so that we can get them labeled.
MYTHS ABOUT LUTHERANISM SERIES: Lutherans follow Martin Luther; Luther didn’t go far enough; Lutherans don’t have the Holy Spirit. Issues Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series with Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller on debunking popular myths about Lutheranism. You can listen at
November 21st – Matins & Confessions Study
December 1st – Special Voters Meeting for parking lot funding approval, emergency fund approval (insurance risk mitigation), and summer field worker budget addition
December 8th – Council Meeting following Children’s Christmas Program
In response to the parking lot vote in October which showed an overall desire to pave the parking lot pending on sufficient financial support, stewardship has conducted an informal survey of the congregation.
Based on the survey, members informally were willing to immediately donate $61,000 above and beyond their usual tithing. Also, over the length of any loan members were willing to sacrifice an additional $25,000 above and beyond their usual tithing to pay down any loan balance (based on an average estimated loan length of 6 years).
The survey also indicated that on average, members supported using approximately $75,000 of existing unrestricted cash on hand. In addition, on average, members supported a loan amount of approximately $75,000. In addition, the existing Parking Lot fund balance is $5600.
$75,000 unrestricted cash on hand+$75,000 proposed loan amount+$75,000 donations = $225,000 estimate for parking lot
A visual representation of the survey results as well as summary sheets are on display in the narthex and on our website. Please carefully review the information. A special voters meeting will be held on December 1 to decide how to proceed.
2025 VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS: Sign up sheets will be passed around at Bible study for 2025 volunteer positions, donating to the altar flower fund, and to sign up for fellowship serving in 2025. Please consider how you can joyfully help your congregation.
LAST CALL FOR DIRECTORY UPDATES: If you haven’t already, please take a moment to check your contact information in the directory, make any changes or initial by your name if everything is correct. I will be finalizing the 2025 directory soon!
HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE: In years past, Christian Community in Action (CCA) has provided food boxes for local families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are asking the local congregations for donations of stuffing mix, gravy mix and/or canned cranberry sauce. There will be a box on the table in the Narthex if you would like to donate any of these items. If you have any questions, see Waneta Johnson, CCA Representative from Holy Cross.
HANDBELLS: The handbell group will be meeting again this Wednesday at 5:30pm for rehearsal.
HELP IDENTIFY KEYS: We have a full drawer of keys, but don’t know what all they belong to. If you might know the use of some church keys, please see Allison Doying so that we can get them labeled.
MYTHS ABOUT LUTHERANISM SERIES: Lutherans follow Martin Luther; Luther didn’t go far enough; Lutherans don’t have the Holy Spirit. Issues Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series with Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller on debunking popular myths about Lutheranism. You can listen at
Posted in Announcements
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